Paying Your Utility Bills
Payment Options: Customers have a variety of options for the payment of their monthly bills. Please make sure to include the payment stub with your payment in order to assure proper processing of the bill. Include account number on checks or money orders.
E-Billing: Customers have the option to receive an electronic bill. Customers who chose e-bills will no longer receive a bill through the United States Postal Service. Complete and submit completed Application if you are interested in receiving an e-bill. Please allow up to two (2) billing cycles for automatic payments to take effect.
In Person: Customers are able to pay in person during regular business hours.
Mail: Bills and Payment Stubs can be mailed to Lehighton Borough Utility Office, PO Box 29, Lehighton, PA 18235.
Utility Drop Box: Utility bills and payment stubs may be placed in an envelope in the red/silver drop box on the North side of Borough Hall. Please do not leave cash in the utility drop box.
Automatic Bill Payments (ACH): Should you wish to pay your utility bill through an automatic deduction from your checking or savings account, please complete and submit the completed Application. The ACH Payment will equal your total monthly charge and accounts must be current. Please allow up to two (2) billing cycles for automatic payments to take effect. There is no charge for ACH Payments. Payments are deducted from your account on the bill due date. Please submit all banking information in person or through mail.
Online Bill Payments: Payments are accepted from VISA, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. There is a convenience fee of 2.95% for all transactions. Payments can also be made through e-check on the online system, there is a fee of $1.95 for the transaction. Online bill payments are only enabled for current accounts only. You will need to reference your account number and PIN from your monthly bill.